Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A Story

Well, hi. I will tell you a story today. Its true or not? You may judge yourself.

Once there were these 2 girls: lets call them Anu n Annie.
They first became friends when they were in class 3. They were very dear friends. Of them, Anu was more emotional, can say that she was an emotional fool but Annie was more in control of her emotions.
Their friendship continued very happily till class 6. Then, new girls joined school and Annie got more interested in the more hip gang and Anu went further into the background on her friend list.
Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Almost at the end of class 6, one day one of Annie's very hip friends teased Anu for her simple dressing. Anu, though simple, was not easily putdownable. The fight grew taking Annie into its fold. Annie, however, sided with her very high nosed friend.
This broke Anu's heart. She could stand up against the world but not her best friend. She rushed out of the room crying and Annie did not follow. Then, without a word being said, their friendship was over!!!!!
Things remained more or less the same for the following 2 years. However, in class 9 when they were made to sit together, the ice started melting. The queerest thing brought them close together- their mutual love of maths. Things got better and they were friends again, not as close as earlier but good enough.
Then in class 11, they both took part in an art competition. Anu made it to the next level but Annie despite being an equally good artiste got left out. She never said anything to Anu, not even congratulations.
Anu managed a great performance in the next level and received a certificate of appreciation for her efforts. The principal lauded her achievement in the assembly. That day in class, Annie passed a sneering comment about some 'snobbish artists' and that hit Anu straight to the heart. A few days later, Annie changed her school and did not even bother telling Anu. For the next 2 years, even though Anu tried contacting Annie, Annie never bothered. This was an iron blow to their friendship.
Then suddenly one day after their 12th boards were over, Annie called Anu. They were very glad to be speaking to each other and the ice melted in the summer that followed. But........
These 2 years were very different for each of them and their worlds changed like anything in this time.
They are good friends today but have missed a lot in each other's lives. Anu longs for the friendship they once had but Annie shows no emotion about it. Whenever they talk or meet, its always good natured interaction but there still is a vacuum in there.
Should they continue as they are, separate altogether or try to revive the friendship that once was?


Unknown said...

Continue.. who knows when the wavelenghts starts matching again!!
after all friends are neevr made to e forgotten ..they are meant to be kept.
If Prodigal could welcome hos son.. anu can also welcome annie!!

Divya said...

its easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend...... anu forgave her friend... again n again.... but if the friendship is as weak n fragile as a crystal... then it is better to move on.....