Sunday, May 27, 2007

What is love?

A lot's been said,
A lot's been written
A lot's been.....
never mind!!!!!!!!!

One morning,
On a bright sunny day,
I asked the sun:
"hey buddy, what is love?"

"Beats me, kid!", he said
"I've never had a chance
To look around,
Find a gal in my stead!
All I've ever done,
Is to go round and round
Never looked, never found!"

On a rainy day,
I asked the cloud,
"Tell me sir, What is love?"

"Love is lightening!", he said,
"It tears you to pieces
But it still is...
The light of your life.
My lightening's my love,
She lives in me
And I,
In her."

On a beautiful night,
I asked the moon,
" So what is Love?"
" Love is a Star!", he said,
"It makes you go over the moon!!!!!!!!
She lights up my life!
She dispells the darkness of the night.
For her, I stay up the whole night."

Then I asked the earth one day,
" What do you think is love?"
" Love is every flower on my bosom,
Every li'l animal that I nourish,
Every tree that grows on me."

" Love is not just cherishing beauty,
Its not just sharing of joy,
Its not just about having fun together,
Its about nourishing with your life,
Its about cherishing the soul,
Its more important to share your sorrows.'

"Love is to cherish each other,
No matter how far,
No matter how close.
Love is the intertwining of souls
Not just comtemplating each other!"

"Take time to love, my dear,
It is the food for the soul",
So said the Earth.
And I knew I had understood
"What is Love!!!!!!!!"



hey malvika...gr8 poem....have seen so many in same league but seriously u captured it very genuinely....i actually feel tht u sud think abt getting ur poems n creative pieces published. keep up d gud wrk n i xpct mre such intrsting pieces 2 cme our way. tk cr. luv ya.

Divya said...

cant believe u wrote this!!!!!! cool job done!!! ma comment would be that love is more easily demonstrated than defined.......