Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mile sur mera tumhara

Hi again.

Things have moved, changed at a speed that would be insulted if I would call it breakneck. Had not had the time (or inclination) to write in a long time. Never felt like it. Good excuse you may say but the creative minded would understand what I am trying to say.

The world around forced me to get back to writing. Not all that's happening in my life but what has been happening in the world. It feels like the world is going up in hate. Between countries, between states, between cultures, between..... people.

The prime differentiating quality of the human race is the uniqueness of each member, the beauty of being human lies essentially in being different. Then why on earth are weso hell bent upon using these differences as a bone of contention betwen us?

Watching the news, I feel people have become shameless enough to make the ultimate sacrifice sound frivolous. People who have been chanting the mantra of regionalism idealise all the wrong heroes. All those that created strife become idols while all those that rose up in their fields with hard work and dedication are subjected to insult and those that laid down their lives are made a mockery of.

While the world prays for heroes like Hemant Karkare and Tukaram Omble, some have been vile enough to make fun of or nit pick in their sacrifices. My hate for people like the Thackerays would have lessened if they would have been sensible enough to honour these great men (Marathi manoos both) or used their positions to see to it that their families were well taken care of.

I am appalled! At people who are mongering hate when there are better things to be done with their time. Even more at those that swallow it and have nothing better to do with their lives than burn cars, pelt stones and such over non issues. A lot more at the government who has not been able to bring them to book. The Indian Constitution forbids any sort of discrimination on the basis of religion, region, gender or language, then why are these people allowed to go scot free even when they have been responsible for the deaths of so many people?

I wonder at how these people are able to sleep at night. Atleast for me, I have trouble getting to sleep if I hurt someone's feelings that day. These guys have blood on their hands and still they seem unruffled.

Where has the solidarity of the Indian nation vanished? The concept of 'many people, one nation' seems to be lost in the noise of regional and religional voices. I really feel we should make all these people sit down and watch 'Mile sur mera tumhara' over and over and over again till they realise the importance of peace.

'Mile sur mera tumhara' essentially describes the feeling and meaning of being Indian and on a very broad perspective, being human. The fact that we are all different yet we can live in harmony with each other is simple to read but difficult to understand for a lot of people it seems.

They should be made to cook all sorts of food, it is only then that they will realise that it is only when all the spices mix together that it makes for a truly delicious dish!

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