Monday, January 25, 2010

Looking outside the window

I was just sitting there looking outside my window, to see the beautiful white morning.

Beautiful but cold. It looked picture perfect from inside the glass, one you could save and put up as your wallpaper on the screen. It is only when you got outside that you realised the extent of the cold. The cold that hits you like a slap.

Seems quite like the world outside. You are yearning to go out into the world as a kid, yearning for the day they would become adults, when they would be allowed to do whatever they please. But when they enter into the real world, it hits them (us) hard, really hard.

There was a quote that said, 'Destiny had a sense of humour'. Truely agree with it. At the moment, I think of the boy from The Alchemist, who goes all the way to the pyramids in Egypt to look for his destiny, his treasure but realises after going through all that trouble that hs treasure was buried right in his backyard. He went through a lot of hardship to get to his treasure, he sold his sheep, moved to a new country, learned a new alien language, got robbed thrice, travelled into the desert in the middle of a war and almost lost his life to thieves. It was only when he reached the pyramids, got tired of digging that God told him that his true treasure lay where he had been before he started on this journey. "Then why did you send me here?", he asked God. He said, " Because I wanted you to see the Pyramids. Aren't they beautiful?"

Its weird talking about Destiny's sense of humor.... stuff that you took as pre ordained, in the end turned out to be a note from hell. But it is up to one to laugh and to move on. A lot of tension stems from the fact that even though Destiny served us with a joke, we forgot to laugh but instead took it as an offence, bristling on about how 'it just had to happen to me!' or the more common, 'why me?????'

People may think of me as an idiot for saying this but it really is always easier to laugh and move on. Even if you are stuck with something, just disconnect yourself from it emotionally and just look at the scenario as it were playing in the form of a movie.

The world is not a bed of roses, nor is it a bed of thorns.

Taking both in my stride, I am going to move on....

Life's a journey and I wanna go far,

Keeping the door ajar

So I may come back home the day I want.

I wanna see the world

But come back home at the end of the day.

I don't want to live my life travelling the high seas.

Taking Destiny's joke in my stride

I would want to laugh and move on.

Hope life gives me a chance and my life goes on......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour..............................................