Friday, September 30, 2011

Just Another Day

I close the book on a phase tonight
I can't call it a night
Though the moon has set already
And the sun knocks on the door,
I can't call it a night.

The one I love is here
He does not know I love him
He does not know what to call me
He does not even know I am here
He does not know I exist.

He sees me from the corner of his eye
It searches for someone else,
I just happen to be
A part of the view.

He looks, he talks
I look on

He wants to step in Plato's shoes.
He looks into my eyes,
Platonic, he says.
Something dies inside me
But I don't look away
I need, but an excuse to be around him.

The flower of friendship blooms
Our hands nuture it together.
A love takes root in my heart
I nourish it with my soul.

I am here in the big city
Life moves fast here.
I want to join the milling crowds.
I feel that I am left behind,
I feel the world forgot to take me along,
It goes on without me.

He dives into the city head on,
He glows like a star.
The world waits for him,
The world waits on him.
I watch as he shines
I watch him glow
from behind the curtain.
I work behind the curtain,
I enrich
I nourish
But I stay within the shadows.

He glows
He shines
He lights up the night sky
Like a firework.
In his grandeur,
I am but a tiny speck
A fleck of dust
That he brushes away.

I retreat into the shadows
Though I stop not my work.
I see him burn out,
He is but a firework.
He falls to the ground,
He falls with the ashes.
I am here,
The speck of dust.
I am here to pick up the pieces.

He does not want me around

He chooses another

He chose another.

He chose another

To love

He chose another

As his best companion

He chose


I disconnect

I am going to be strong,

I will leave

And I do.

I am now away.

I don't want him to find me.

But the world knows me now.

I am a new person now.

I thought he would have let go

I thought he would have given up on my soul.

But it is still with him,

Even when he does not know it.

He has crashed on the road of life.

I am here

To pick up the pieces again.

One piece of him draws blood.

I flee

But a piece remains in me.

He comes looking

For the missing piece.

Instead he finds me.

I wish to draw back,

I might get hurt again

But something draws me

Draws me back to where he was standing.

I am now his

He is mine.

The bond is unshakeable

It grows stronger with time.

It is the stuff of angels

The way he loves me

And I love him.

I know it is the stuff of angels.

Destiny is cruel

It snatches me away.

I look upon him

From my home in the sky.

I'd give anything to say

What had reamined unsaid.

Anything to do again

What came undone.

I loved you with all my heart,

Even when you didn'n love me.

I loved you

Even when you scorned me.

I will keep loving you

Even when you stop loving me.

When I look back

You are what I cherish the most.

And though I am away

And it seems like I disconnected

I am still there

In your heart;

Never for once forgetting

It is the abode I treasure the most.

P.S. I speak here as Emma Morley, the leading lady in the movie One Day. Though I saw the movie a while ago, I only got around to writing this today. Emma Morley is one character that I have identified with in a long time. That said, I didn't understand her love for Dexter Mayhew, which is why though this poem expresses Emma, it may not be able to do justice to Emma's love for Dexter.


genie said...

The ethos of pain and love best described, this had moments which took you back in time, made you retrospect every relationship and friendship we have been part of.It hit every note of Emma's emotions so well knitted together, savouring the hghs of friendship, mapping the breadth of unrequited love to the surreal ride of "love forever2.Bravo,my dear friend Malvika, so inspiring , may the magic pen narrate many more emotions and bring joy to many lives.

prerna said...

hey, this is me prerna, I must say that you have an amazing flair for writing and that this poem is lovely..